tunnels in china中文什么意思

发音:   用"tunnels in china"造句
  • tunnel:    n. 隧道;地道;坑道;管道,烟道, ...
  • china:    n. 瓷器;瓷料,白瓷土,瓷质黏土。 ...
  • tunnels:    洞群; 隧道
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  1. Construction technology of baiyinshan tunnel in china
  2. Shield tunneling has become one of the important construction methods for metro tunnels in china
  3. Combined with the engineering practice of small interval tunnel in china , this paper points out its five key technology problems : its concept , reasonable clear interval , support parameter , construction method and strengthening technology for the shamed surrounding rock
  4. Up to now , the drainage and waterproof system design of most railway tunnels in china did n ' t consider the action of external water load , based on the principle of unlimited drainage , so a great number of railway tunnels have the problem of leakage water , some of which are very serious
    到目前为止,我国大部分铁路隧道防排水设计主要按“无限制排水” 、尚未考虑外水荷载的作用,按这样的原则设计隧道防排水存在许多缺陷,有“十隧九漏”的说法,带来了很多严重问题。


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